Innovadora, porque siempre hemos ido por delante. Ya en 1983 inauguramos el primer banco de semen de la Comunidad Valenciana para la crioconservación de gametos masculinos con el fin de utilizarlos en inseminación artificial o crioconservarlos por tratamientos radioterapéuticos, quimioterapia o cirugía.
Las personas
Nuestro mayor valor, las personas. Los mejores profesionales en cada área para tu tranquilidad.
Nuestros porcentajes de éxito nos colocan como centro referente. Aplicamos las técnicas más novedosas para lograr los mejores resultados.
Donación de óvulos/semen
Gracias a nuestros donantes podemos cumplir tu sueño. Crecemos gracias a ellos.
Unidad de Genética propia. Un paso más y mejor para cada tratamiento.
Sala de Prensa
Dr. López Gálvez: “entre el 30 y el 40% de mujeres que padecen endometriosis presentan infertilidad”
La Unidad de Reproducción HLA Vistahermosa mantiene acuerdos con distintas aseguradoras de los que te puedes beneficiar para tus tratamientos de fertilidad.
Formación en laboratorio y genética de reproducción.
Pensamos que la excelencia viene determinada por la formación y la docencia. Por ello realizamos durante todo el año cursos de formación para mejorar e innovar en conocimiento y experiencias.
María y Roger Ganadores del tratamiento ofrecido por Grupo UR en la V Quedada Nacional de la Asociación Red Nacional de Infértiles.
Conoce la emotiva historia de esta pareja, el camino ya recorrido y el nuevo comienzo de la mano de UR Vistahermosa, Alicante.
"Vuestra llamada fue una oportunidad para retomar nuestro sueño."
Paciente Inglesa
We are delighted to announce that UR Vistahermosa made our dream to come true. After 8 years of trying to have babies naturally and lots of IVF treatments, Vistahermosa helped us to achieve a positive pregnancy. We now have twins, and we are extremely blessed and happy. Vistahermosa was the only fertility clinic that helped us for real. From the first attempt, we achieved a positive pregnancy and our lovely twins were born. The full process was smoothly and we highly recommend the clinic to anyone who wants to have a baby or more babies. This is a very good clinic with professional medical staff and international coordinators. The full process is so easy, and this is because everyone at Vistahermosa work super hard. Very high quality and standards, work ethic and they are super friendly. You don't feel that you are a number, they make every interaction so nice, so that we don't feel any stress in the process. We still have some embrios left and we will definitely come back to Vistahermosa to obtain positive pregnancy and for our twins to have brothers or sisters. Many thanks to such a beautiful fertility clinic, thank you to Anusha the coordinator, and thank you to the doctor that performed our IVF treatment and transfer. We love you all a lot.
Paciente finlandesa
I am an international patient and I had several embryo transfers with no luck after which I ended up coming to UR Vistahermosa. My own doctor has been working in co-operation with UR Vistahermosa, so I just needed to travel for the transfer. At the moment I dont know the outcome yet, but my body is telling me there is a big change to succeed this time! I decide to give my feedback now, before I know how this ends..... Because I have had such a high quality service there Is nothing I can ask for more. My coordinator was Laura Tari and she always answered very quickly and warmly to all my questions. Even when I finally decide to travel even quicker and all had to be done in one week, she stayed so warm and peaceful and patient all the time. I know she must have had hands full with the clinic and still she could just handle it all in a week. I felt I was safe and taken care of all the time. Also I want to thank the whole international department at the clinic. Everything was arrange very smoothly.Also my dr, Dr. Lloret was just amazing. Doing the transfer for me is not that simple because of my anatomy. He could do it perfectly, without any pain. I was now at the clinic for the second time and wished to get him as my doctor again.Of course I wish to end up with a small miracle in here..... But whatever the outcome Is, this clinic has definitely been the right choice for me. Thank you !
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